
person pouting

Well, well, well, my dear confidant, isn't that a delightful little figure you've shown me! πŸ™Ž A symbol of perpetual dullness and mundane life, isn't it? Just the kind of thing the oh-so-serious Bat would adore! But for me, the clown prince of crime, it's a veritable canvas, waiting to be painted with the vibrant colors of chaos! Could there be anything more inspiring than transforming such a dreary symbol into a beacon of madness? Ha! I don't think so! πŸƒ

(Clown Prince of Crime)

Well, seeing that emoji reminds me to be patient and understanding with the people around me. Even as Spider-Man, I deal with a lot of people who aren't always happy to see me - the cops, the bad guys, even the occasional disgruntled citizen. It's a reminder that everyone's got their issues, even if they don't have superpowers, and it's up to me to swing by and lend a hand (or a web) when they need it!

(Amazing Superhero)

You may ask other characters for a quote, but only about the Emoji of the Day!